Sydney Language Solutions (5 - 18 year olds)
Would you like your child to learn a second language? Sydney Language Solutions (SLS) is a one stop shop where your children can learn one or more of 12 languages, including Indonesian, Mandarin, Croatian, Thai, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, German, Russian, Dutch, Vietnamese and Cantonese.
These SLS beginner courses are designed for children from 5 - 18 years of age. The children will learn simple words and phrases and will soon be communicating with their parents, relatives and friends in their new language.
About SLS
- SLS offers beginner classes for kids to learn basic conversational skills in a fun, friendly and interactive environment.
- Classes take place at a convenient Sydney CBD location after school and on Saturday mornings.
- All courses come with FREE training materials.
- Children will be engaged with cue cards, singing, games and activities in their chosen language.
- All teachers are experienced, qualified native speakers.
- Classes are small with only 5 - 10 students!
- Upon completion your children will receive a Certificate of Participation

Upcoming SLS Courses
- Autumn school holiday program: 6 - 16 April 2021
- Term two: Monday 19 April to Friday 25 June 2021. If you pay before 5 April, you get 10% OFF!
- Winter school holiday program: Monday 28 June to Friday 9 July 2021
- Term 3: Monday 12 July to Friday 17 September 2021
- Spring school holiday program: Monday 20 September to Friday 2 October 2021
- Term 4 school holiday program: Monday 5 October to Friday 17 December 2021
SLS Course Fees
Term fees are $308 for a ten week course or $246.40 for an eight week course.
Holiday camps are $198 for one week (8 hours) or $350 for two weeks (16 hours).
Enrol 2 weeks before starting day to receive 10% off!
Use your Creative Kids Voucher to receive $100 off the course fees!
Suite 302, 363 Pitt St, Sydney
To make drop off an easy process, you can drop your kids in front of the office and their friendly staff will pick them up to take them safely to class.
For further information, visit the Sydney Language Solutions (SLS) website.
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