Dockless Bike Company Launch Share Skateboards

By: Alex Harmon, 05 April 2018

By: Alex Harmon, ellaslist

Ahhhh what could possibly go wrong? Singaporean-based share bike scheme, oBike, have just announced it will roll out a skateboard share system in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. 

Don't get me wrong, I think this is incredibly cool. But with the somewhat messy state of affairs of the bikes (in the rivers, on the footpaths, in the trees) I have to wonder if the skateboard scheme will be too much for our residents to handle. Us big kids can't seem to pack away our toys nicely in the toybox, after all... 

oBike CEO Locus Finlayson announced this week that Sydney would be primary test city with plans to launch in June this year... and then Melbourne and Adelaide in the following months.


"Ease of mobility lies at the heart of our company" explained Finlayson to Concrete Playground. "But the feedback we continue to receive is that people want greater variety in the way they get from A to B, and for many the oBike is just too cumbersome or takes up too much space on sidewalks and pedestrian thoroughfares. oSkate not only introduces a smaller, streamlined dynamic to the dockless economy, but we think a cooler one, too".

Cooler, sure, but safer? No. Did you know you don't have to wear a helmet when riding a skateboard? "It's true that under Australian law you do require a helmet for bikes, but not for skateboards" confirmed Allens Linklaters Senior Associate Alex Mason to Concrete Playground. "Even so, we'd recommend one all the same if you can manage it. Safety should trump convenience, always".

Will They Get Stolen?

Like the bikes, the skateboards will be fitted with a wheel blocking mechanism that can only be unlocked via the oBike app. And if you think that bikes and skateboards are their only modes of cool transport, think again. The company has plans to launch oBoard with surfboards, boogie boards and stand-up paddle boards at your disposal. As well as roller skates and rollerblades for those skaters who like to carve the paths up that way! 

For more about oBike, click here.
