Hilarious Cartoons on the Ups and Downs of Being a Parent

By: Serina Hajje, 04 May 2016

By: Serina Hajje, ellaslist

Line Severinsen has a delightful talent for perfectly capturing the roller coaster ride that is parenthood. With two kids of her own she has been sharing her experiences, mishaps and joys for over 4 years.

“I thought to myself that there is no way that no other people felt and looked like I did,” she told The Huffington Post. “So I wanted to create a counterpoint to help people like me to understand that they weren’t alone and that it is OK to feel and act less than perfect sometimes.”

You can see her comics on Facebook at Kos Og Kaos and Instagram @kosogkaos.

Here are some that we just love!

1. When your kid is just an excuse to buy yourself a toy

Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos Og Kaos

Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

2. Goodbye, Beautiful Locks


Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

3. Why Is This The Only Way Babies Sleep?


Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

4. I don’t want to play with my boring toys, I want your phone!


Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

5. We’ve All Done This At Least Once…

parenting comics

Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

6. Holidays Are Such A Calming Time

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Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

7. The Only Way To Get A Good Night Rest

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Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

8. Travelling and Children, Say No More

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Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

9. I Didn’t Lose Our Kid, We’re Playing Hide and Seek

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Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos

10. Dad Alone With The Kids

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Line Severinsen/Via Facebook: Kos og Kaos
