How To Maintain Calm and Connection During The COVID-19 Quarantine Period

By: Nicole Madigan, 27 March 2020

As the rules and guidelines relating to social distancing and self-isolation rapidly change, you and your family may be feeling confused and anxious.

It’s a scary time, plus there’s the added stress of figuring out how to fill your days, now that you’re stuck at home.

It’s important to do you best to stay calm as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters, and encourage your kids in the same direction.

Here Beth Borowsky, CEO of The Karma Class, has shared with ellaslist, her top 6 ways to connect, cultivate calm and build resilience.


Even though you are all confined to home, create a routine that covers all bases – an early morning meditation and exercise; breakfast together; dedicated work and study time for you and the kids; a midday online yoga class; lunch together; a siesta; more work time, family board game time - you get the picture. A routine will help to keep your family active, focussed and connected. 

Unplug + Play

Excessive screen time – especially on social media – can potentially create more anxiety and stress. It also runs the risk of creating screen addiction. It’s important that you schedule, and enforce, substantial time away from any social media, TV, games, Netflix etc. This applies to EVERY member of the family. Bake, cook, have quiet reading time, play a board game, clean the house – opportunities to do things together and alone.


It’s important, in and amongst the sense of loss and fear, to focus on the many things that you are grateful for. Encourage your family members to create a daily Gratitude list. Every day, list 5 things you are grateful for when you wake up and before going to sleep. Share these ratitudes with each other. 

Move + Breathe + Meditate

Staying healthy in mind is just as important as staying healthy and fit in body. Get outdoors and into nature. Go for a family hike, swim or jog together. Take a mindful walk barefoot and notice the sky, clouds, trees, plants, birds and insects. Do yoga online for the whole family. Put on some music and dance around the house together. If you’ve never meditated, now might be the perfect time to start. Choose an appropriate time and sit together or alone for just 5 -10 minutes. Play an instrumental piece of music in the background or listen to a guided visualisation. Just sit or lie together in silence and stillness. There are many free apps to help you get started. Nature, exercise and mindfulness are honey for the body, mind and soul. 

Be Kind – to yourself and others

There are many reasons why you and your children may be feeling stressed right now and it will show up in different ways and at different times. Be kind to one another - small gestures like rubbing each other’s feet or a gentle neck massage. Run a hot scented bath and listen to soothing music as you soak and soothe. Try a manicure or pedicure. Take turns cooking breakfast in bed for each other. Lie together and take 10 very deep and slow belly breaths – a quick way to balance your nervous system and feel calmed.

Stay connected

We may need to maintain social distancing but there are many ways to keep connected with friends and family. Schedule skype/video calls. Share how you are feeling. Ask for help. Offer help. Join online community groups to fill your cup. Sort through old photo albums or watch old family movies. 



