How To Survive The First 6 Months With Twins

By: Serina Hajje, 29 June 2016

By: Serina Hajje, ellaslist

According to the 2014 Australian Bureau of Statistics Report, there are over 4,300 sets of twins born annually. One newborn baby is a joy and life-changing. Two newborns will flip your life over, and the beginning can be a daunting task for any parent. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to take note of when you’re dealing with the first 6 months with twins.


Taking twins with you during a shopping round is a big no-no. You just don’t need the challenge of handling double the nappies, bottles and cries. Embrace online shopping! It’s easy and saves you alot of time. Alternatively, try to get someone to stay with the babies for an hour while you go grocery shopping; it will give you some respite and a chance to leave the house.

Your House Will Be Messy – Accept It

Take a deep breath and accept that the dishes are going to pile up, that the vacuum is not going to be used every day or even the third day and clothes will be tossed over the couch. There are going to be more important things to deal with, like feeding, bathing and sleeping. If you can fit it into your budget, hire a cleaner – it’ll save your sanity!

Prep Your House

So now that you’ve (kind of) accepted the messiness of your castle, hire some cleaners to dust up the rooms and kitchen every once in a while. Buy bulk items – such as nappies and bottles (Aldi is a great place to stock up on cheap nappies). If your house has more than one level, then have a changing station on each level (diapers, bottles, wipes, and extra baby clothes) – it will save you from hopping around. Do you know where you’ll be spending most of your time? Good, setup a play area there. While you’re preoccupied with house duties or one of the babies, you’ll be assured that they’re in a safe space.

how to survive with twins
Source: House of Harper

Ask For Help

Splitting the tasks with your partner is not always enough. Reach out to friends and family, get them to sit with the twins for as long as they can while you take a much needed bath or nap. If they ask what you need, tell them to send over some home-cooked meals which will be a life-saver. You’ll be so preoccupied with feeding your babies that you’re often left with hurried snacks-on-the-go that aren’t nutritious.

Sleep…Just Sleep

If you have any chances to steal a few minutes of sleep, then do it. Abandon the dishes or the laundry and collapse on the coach. Apart from nighttime, it’s good to maintain a planned day wherever possible. Plan a morning nap and an afternoon nap; routine is your friend! If your twins are light sleepers, download some sound apps and buy swaddle sleep sacks.

Find A Twin Mums Group

They are out there and they will be an invaluable source of strength and help! When you’re sobbing on the floor of your wardrobe, these women will be there to pull you up. It’s also a great way to maintain contact with the outside world. Having friends with a baby isn’t quite the same as knowing women who are dealing with twins. AMBA (Australian Multiple Birth Association) is your best friend! Find your local area group here.

Find ‘Me Time’

Amongst the mayhem, you need to try and find your own time to relax. Take that 40 minute bath or stretch out on that coach and enjoy a full episode of Masterchef. Take care of yourself and you’ll be able to take better care of your babies.

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