Kid❜s Menu That Gives Kids What They Really Want

By: Phoebe Ackland, 16 August 2017

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

A kid's menu has gone viral that does what every other kid's menu fails to do...give them exactly what they ask for. 

Check out the gem that one Reddit user came across at a local cafe:

Getting little ones to excitedly choose a dinner option that's not dessert is pretty much mission impossible. This menu disguises all the usual suspects, classics that children seem to accept without as much winging, behind catch phrases that every parent has heard at the dinner table. So- what will it be? The 'I don't want that' or the 'I'm not hungry?'. 

Death To Nuggets

Although the names are utter perfection, we have a feeling that the sight of this menu would send 'Death To Nuggets' creator into overdrive. Jonathan Pangu is a father-of-three who is sick to death of seeing processed foods and fried bits and bobs on kid's menus, and that the 'trinity' (Fish 'n' chips, nuggets and chips, and spag bowl) simply must stop. His series of upcoming fun foodie events for kids and families have been created in the hope that children will become excited over fresh, healthy foods and a variety of colours and flavours, ditching the nuggets once and for all. You can read more about it here. 
