Melbourne Burger Bar Brings Blockbuster Back

By: Tully Rosenberg, 13 May 2020

In an age of countless online streaming services to satisfy our wildest movie whims, I never thought I’d hear these words, but Blockbuster is back!

The iconic video store that once dominated the overnight rental world has seen a slow demise, with its last Aussie store shutting shop last year. However, a Melbourne burger bar has rekindled the nostalgic pastime, creating an in-house Blockbuster all of its own.

Royal Stacks has converted its popular CBD eatery to house an outpost of the old school video chain with over 2000 DVDs, all categorised by genre including the Royal Stacks curated Rewatchables - movies that you can rewatch without ever getting bored!

All DVDs are donated and on sale for $10 each, with proceeds being used to support the restaurant staff who are not covered by COVID-19 support payments. 

Like the Saturday nights of old, take a trip down memory lane while you wait for your takeaway, browsing aisles of random titles and stocking up on treats from the candy bar. Fantales, anyone?

Royal Stacks Blockbuster

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