Research Shows Parents Work the Equivalent of Two Full-Time Jobs

By: Sarah Tayler, 10 July 2019

This may not be news to mums and dads who are juggling full-time work and family life, but a study of 2,000 American mums conducted in 2017 by Welch's Grape Fruit Juice found that the average American mum works up to 98 hours a week. The study found that on average, mums were starting their day at 6.23am and not finishing with household jobs and looking after the kids until 8.31pm (dads were not included in this study). That is a 14 hour work day, every day for at least 18 years… no wonder mums are tired!

According to the US Department of Labour 70% of American mums with kids under 18 work, this compares to 66% of Australian mums with kids under 18, as reported in 2016 by the Australian Institute of Family Studies.

They discovered that from 2002 – 2015, Australian mothers worked an average of 77 hours a week (20 hours work, 30 hours housework and 27 hours of childcare), while fathers clocked up 75 hours a week (46 hours work, 16 hours housework and 13 hours childcare). For both parents, this is the equivalent of more than two full-time jobs (full time is usually 37.5 hours a week).

The interestingly, the Australian Institute of Family Studies research shows that the division of household work, paid employment and childcare between mums and dads has stayed pretty much the same between 2002 and 2015. The research also found that while most dads carry on with full-time jobs, mums were much more likely to go part-time or be given flexible working hours.

It will be interesting to see how the division of paid work and housework between parents develops over the next decade.

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