Responsible Pawrenting: Secure Your Beloved Pet’s Future With A Will

By: ellalist team, 26 May 2020

Aussies love their pets, with at least one pet in over 60 percent of Australian households, we have one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world. We think of them as part of the family, yet many people may be unaware of legal steps you can take to look after your pets should the unthinkable happen.

Online will-writing platform Safewill has seen approximately 80 percent of pet owners assign guardians for who they want to take care of their pet when the time comes. Including your pets in your will is a secure and safe legal way to make sure that man’s best friend is taken good care of long after you’re gone.

Here are some steps to make sure your pet can be well looked after by including them in your will.

Identify a Caregiver

You’ve always prided yourself on how you looked after your pet, and you want to make sure that the same level of care is provided after you’re gone. Most of us know someone who would take great care of our fur baby is we weren’t around, and you can actually include that person as a pet guardian in your will.

There are plenty of options besides finding a close friend or family member if no one was available - organisations such as the RSPCA and the NSW Animal Welfare League run legacy programs that can safely house your pet.

Arrange Funding

The easiest way to make sure that Fido has enough kibble in his bowl is to arrange a pet care fund: this not only allows you to allocate money towards their care, but also to name a caretaker who will be deemed responsible for the care of your pet. 

According to Safewill, pet funds can be arranged ranging from anywhere between $100 to tens of thousands.

Leave Care Instructions

In addition to a pet trust, the care instructions you leave behind for the care of your pet are incredibly important. You can include dietary requirements, emergency contacts and medical information that is up to date. It not only makes the caretaker’s life easier, but also makes sure your pet is in safe hands.

Looking after a pet when you’re gone doesn’t have to be difficult.  Aussie start up Safewill is proof of that, with easy and affordable wills that can be created online from $190 for singles and $285 for couples. You’re guaranteed to leave man’s best friend behind safe and sound.

For more information on Safewill, visit


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