Top 5 Sustainable DIY Hacks For The Home

By: ellalist team, 12 August 2020

Chasing silver linings for this year? With so much additional time spent at home, it’s likely you’re far more conscious now of your consumption habits than this time last year. Perhaps you’ve even developed an appreciation for creating, recycling or upcycling?

Founder of eco company, SUSTOMi, Bronwyn Kidd, has recently shared her top five (easy!) DIY eco hacks for around the home. This list came about after receiving a growing demand from her community to share ideas on homemade alternatives to products commercially sold in plastic.

“We were really thrilled to see how much feedback we received from our DIY tips on social media. People are really taking notice of their plastic habits and making small changes at home is the best way to start,” Kidd said.



  1. Make your own beeswax wraps! If there was ever a time to swap out cling wrap for beeswax wraps, it’s now. Whilst you can also buy these super stylish SUSTOMi wraps ready to use, why not try the DIY option and enjoy a therapeutic crafternoon session? Available online via

  1. A few containers or wraps short for fridge items? Use a glass jar as your quick fix! A tall jar is another fantastic option for fridge storage. ⁠Your saved glass jars are also perfect for storing preserved fruits, fresh lemon curd and jam! Or alternatively, because let’s face it you deserve it this year, serving up that delicious homemade cocktail on a Friday night.

  1. Dry shampoo, come at us! What’s not to love? You’re saving water and time with this useful hack. All you need to make dry shampoo is found in your kitchen: a base of arrowroot flour or cornstarch, with additions of cocoa powder and cinnamon (for darker hair), ginger root for blonde hair and ginger and cinnamon for red hair.⁠ Apply the dry shampoo directly to your hair with a makeup brush and use a comb or brush to spread it. ⁠Then, enjoy a day with fresh hair!⁠

  1. No more leaky pot plants! With more time at home this year to nurture her house plants, Bronwyn created pot bases using older beeswax wraps, saving a trip to the nursery to buy more bases. They are water-resistant and fit snug around the base, not to mention stylish.
  2. Regrow veggies and herbs from your kitchen scraps! While composting is far better than throwing kitchen scraps in the bin, this hack is even better! This leek pictured will live on and keep providing simply by being placed in a jar of water! This is as simple as it gets! Yes to more broths and soups this season.


“Those seeking to challenge their plastic consumption habits one step further can reinvent their fridge space with our clever Organised Fridge Set. It comes in a bundle including beeswax wraps, silicone covers, silicone food pouches which is a favourite of ours as they are fridge, freezer and oven safe. Importantly, the set also comes with eco produce bags for grocery shopping,” Kidd mentioned.

For more information on SUSTOMI’s sustainable kitchen and home products, visit:

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