Unbreakable Sunglasses- We All Need A Pair of These

By: Phoebe Ackland, 23 May 2017

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

Check out these indestructible (and we mean seriously indestructible) sunglasses that we're sure everyone could do with a pair of. Whether you've sat on your Ray Bans and cracked the lenses, or pulled a beloved pair out of your handbag only to reveal a snapped off arm, you'll appreciate this sturdy eyewear miracle. 

Source: INSIDER style

Indestructible? Challenge Accepted!

Apparently, people have taken the word 'indestructible' as a challenge. One Youtuber even shot a pair with his rifle, only to find that the shot barely put a dent in the resilient lenses. As you can see in the video- no amount of dropping, kicking, punching, or even hammering, can break them, and in the unlikely event that they fall apart- you can put them back together like LEGO! 

The masterpiece of an Austrian designer, "Gloryfy" sunglasses are mad of "flex polymer" that is totally strong and will spring back into shape after being bent. According to Gloryfy, the production process was a top-secret one. They even go so far as to ensure a minimal distance between each stage of the manufacturing process (development to production to distribution). Inventor Christoph Egger said: "The secret of our product lies in the unique process process".

They're On Our Wish-List

They come in a range of styles and colours and are particularly awesome as sports sunnies. They are retailing online from around AUD $195 up to around AUD $300. Although they don't ship to Australia directly from the Gloryfy website, you can find the whole range on RangaSurf with free shipping in Australia, as well as heaps of models available via Urban Outback. 

