Warm Up! Melbourne Is Going To Get Real Cool

By: ellalist team, 11 July 2017

Winter seems to be at its peak here in Melbourne. We were hoping for a break in the weather for the remaining of the school holidays with some warmer days and maybe hit up one of the amazing playgrounds or skate up a storm at the wonderful pop-up skate parks. But it seem's our hopes have been dashed. Melbourne is about to go through another super cold wave starting tomorrow. We're in for pretty drab few days as the temperatures will be dropping through the remaining of the week. 

The mornings will be foggy and super chilly with temperatures as low as 3C in the city and even dropping to a frosty 0C in the outer Suburbs. According to the Herald Sun and the Bureau of Meteorology, there will be quite a bit of rainfall throughout the rest of the week as well starting Thursday. 

So get your warmest coats, scarves, and gloves out and make the most of the chilly weather with our favourite belly warming treats and fun indoor activities. Check out our top picks for best hot chocolates in town, best coffee spots, and super warming toasties

Chill in the chill at these fun indoor places to visit in rain and keep the kids busy with these top indoor places to visit in winter or visit our favourite cafes with indoor play areas

