Watch This! Life Before Versus Life After Kids

By: Phoebe Ackland, 26 May 2016

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

Life before kids……sigh .

Check out Jeff Ma’s hilarious compilation video about what life before kids looked like compared to after… and we understand only too well.

Video Source: Jeff Ma

Oh How Things Have Changed

If those child-free years are far behind you, you’ll relate to how things have changed..

  • Romance used to mean wining and dining by candlelight….now it means having the washing or dishes done. Maybe even wine on the couch in pyjamas if it’s a special night.
  • Remember those luxurious 11am brunches when the time had no real bearing on your day? Now lunch comes at 11am sharp. Same goes for the night… 8 pm party time now means bed time, and it couldn’t come fast enough!
  • Peeing in peace has been replaced with mini family meetings in your bathroom every time you need to do your business. A toddler may even be clambering onto your lap.
  • Your opinions of the neighbourhood have changed. Did you use to attend the noisy house party happening next door at midnight? Now we bet you’re the ones calling the police.
  • One of your favourite pastimes was to go shopping for new clothes! Now …..we’ll settle for anything that’s actually clean.

