Melbourne Holi Festival 2020

The Festival of Colours (otherwise known as Holi) is coming to Melbourne this Sunday, March 7.

Every year when spring begins in India, Indians all across the world celebrate.

For a full week, this long-held Hindu tradition sees 1.25 billion Indians play outside, splashing each other with bright neon colours. Streets, fields, temples and buildings are covered in this rainbow free-for-all.

Signifying the triumph of good over evil, the end of winter and the arrival of spring, it is a time to be outside and celebrate with friends, family and community. In Melbourne, there will be marching int he streets, drum playing, traditional music, variety stalls, a huge DJ lineup, nonstop dance music, water balloons, and Melbourne's most famous food trucks.

Go along for what's being described as a festival + parade + concert + paint war all at once!

When: 11:30am - 7.30pm March 7, 2020

Where: The Paddock: Fed Square

Cost: Free

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  • Sat Mar 07 2020
  • Family
  • $0.00
