Tutor Doctor: Online and Personalised, Local, One-To-One Tutoring
Tutor Doctor Parramatta provides online tutoring and a personalised, local, one-to-one tutoring service in the privacy of your own home.
This stress-free approach to learning allows students to progress at "their pace" without the pressures that tutoring in a centre can bring. Tutor Doctor is a leader in providing affordable supplementary education to students of all ages.
They offer engaging tutoring sessions for all subjects including:
- Maths
- English
- Science
- Languages
- And more...
They source experienced, referenced, locally based tutors and proudly serve families online and in the Paramatta area. For more information, please see here.
Every student has their own personal learning style, personality, and strengths, so Tutor Doctor ensures that their tutoring services embrace the traits that set your student apart. They work with expert private tutors who will create customised lesson plans, suited to your student’s needs. Whether your student is struggling with maths or needs assistance to complete an important essay, they can connect you with a tutor who will provide one-to-one support and attention. It is their mission to ensure that every student has the opportunity to realise their full potential - in and out of the classroom!
Set up a FREE consultation today by calling 0421 938 547.
For more information, visit the website.
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- Preschoolers