Celebrate Christmas With The Australian Chamber Orchestra❜s Hilarious New Show, ❛Dear Santa❜

With the festive season just around the corner, the ACO Families team are busy bringing their newest family show to life with a fabulously festive twist. From the team behind There’s a Sea in my Bedroom and How to Catch a Star comes the final ACO Families production for the year, Dear Santa.

Featuring beloved Australian performer Rachael Beck, Dear Santa is an interactive show for all ages that promises to leave you feeling merry and bright. This brand-new ACO Families show created by award-winning director Tim McGarry (There’s a Sea in my Bedroom) and composer Jessica Wells (Sounds Like Australia, ABC Classic Kids), presents a collection of new pieces by Wells, alongside festive Christmas favourites that will have you feeling Santa-mental! 

With a fun sing-along and special postbox that is aimed straight at the north pole, Dear Santa promises to be an exciting and memorable day on the pier for the whole family. With a strictly limited season, book now to avoid missing out on this seasonal adventure with the A-C-Ho-Ho-Ho.

Note: Monday 19 December, 12pm – ACO Relaxed Performance + AUSLAN interpreted performance. 
This performance of Dear Santa will have Auslan Interpretation and Relaxed flexible seating, tailored to people on the Autism spectrum, people with access needs, and those who are d/Deaf or hearing impaired. Although all of our ACO Families productions aim to be as accessible as possible, this performance will also have an external quiet space and modified lighting and sound levels. If you have any queries, please contact our Box Office on 1800 444 444.

Where:  Australian Chamber Orchestra, The Neilson, Pier 2/3, Walsh Bay Arts Precinct
When:   17 - 22 December 2022
Cost:     $35.00. Babes-in-arms FREE

To book visit Dear Santa at Australian Chamber Orchestra and here to Listen to Dear Santa .


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  • Sat Dec 17 - Thu Dec 22 2022
  • Preschoolers
  • $0.00
