Creative And Scientific Programs For Kids At Sydney Olympic Park

Get creative and learn some artistic and scientific new skills this April school holidays at Sydney Olympic Park. 

There's a range of activities and workshops to choose from so you'll be sure to find something that is fun and entertaining for your child. And.... they might learn a few new tricks along the way!

Art Workshops ARTEXPRESS: Grab a pencil and paper, tap into your imagination and create an artwork you can be proud of.
Where:    Bld 18, Newington Armory, Sydney Olympic Park
When:     Tuesday 16 & 23 April 2019; 5 -8yrs: 10.30am -12pm. 9-12yrs: 1-2.30pm 
Cost:       FREE but bookings essential

The Writing Workshops - Imagined Futures (advanced level): 10-15yrs. Picture a world thousands of years from now - are we flying solar-powered cars? Learn the techniques to put your most outlandish and outworldish ideas into compelling forms. 
Where:    Field Studies Tower, Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Friday 26 April 2019; 10am-3.30pm 
Cost:       $160

NEW: The Writing Workshop - An Extremely Poetic Afternoon (9-14yrs): A full afternoon of poetic thinking, poetic observation and new poetic forms and techniques. Presenter is award-winning author and The Writing Workshop director Dr Bernard Cohen. 10% discount for 2nd and subsequent family members. Eligible for NSW Creative Kids Vouchers
Where:    Field Studies Tower, Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Saturday 13 April 2019; 1.30-4.30pm 
Cost:       $90

The Writing Workshop - Magical Stories (6-9yrs): Create your own magical world, magical characters and magical spells. Presenter is The Writing Workshop’s director, Dr Bernard Cohen. 10% discount for 2nd and subsequent family members. Eligible for NSW Creative Kids Vouchers.
Where:    Field Studies Tower, Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Wednesday 24 April 2019; 10am-1pm 
Cost:       $90

The Writing Workshop - Tales of Enchantment (8-13yrs): Fantastic tales of magic and enchantment, mystical places, hypnotic characters and creatures who can enrich you or turn you to stone. Presenter is The Writing Workshop’s director, Dr Bernard Cohen. 10% discount for 2nd and subsequent family members. Eligible for NSW Creative Kids Vouchers.
Where:    Field Studies Tower, Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Thursday 18 April 2019; 10am-3.30pm 
Cost:       $160

The Writing Workshop - Rhetoric and Persuasion (8-13yrs): Helping young writers develop rhetorical and persuasive writing skills within an imaginative context. Presenter is winner of the Russell Award for Humour Writing, author and TWW director Dr Bernard Cohen. 10% discount for 2nd and subsequent family members. Eligible for NSW Creative Kids Vouchers.
Where:    Field Studies Tower, Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Sunday 14 April 2019; 10am-3.30pm 
Cost:       $160

Fizzics Education - Lasers! Lightwaves! illusions! (Grades K - 6): Investigate the amazing properties of light in this exciting workshop sure to blow your mind. See lasers bending and bouncing and watch holograms appear right before your eyes. Have fun with the electromagnetic spectrum as you explore the mixing of light and colours, learn how things glow and make your very own optical illusions to take home and trick your friends. 
Where:    Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Wednesday 17 April 2019; 1-4pm 
Cost:       $45

Fizzics Education - Lego Robotics 1 (3-8yrs): Learn how to teach Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots to do what you wish using motors, sensors and real computer programming techniques!
Where:    Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Monday 15 April 2019; 9am-12pm 
Cost:       $45

Fizzics Education - Lego Robotics 2 (K - Grade 6): Extend your knowledge of programming with more challenges using our brand new Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots. This workshop is the perfect extension to our ever-popular Lego Robotics 1 workshop and will move students past the basics so that they can create awesome programs. 
Where:    Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Monday 15 April 2019; 1-4pm 
Cost:       $45

Fizzics Education - Chemical Concoctions (K - Grade 6): Explore chemical and physical changes, the science behind acid rain, the chemistry of fireworks, how things glow and more! See a super cool chemistry experiments and then conduct several of your own – all using ingredients that you can find in the pantry at home!
Where:    Education Centre, Bicentennial Park
When:     Wednesday 17 April 2019; 9am-12pm 
Cost:       $45

Digital Filmmaking: This workshop offers introduction to filmmaking for children 9-13 years old. The workshop familiarises the participants with writing for a short film, production and editing with Adobe Premiere software.
Where:    Bld 22, Newington Armory, Jamieson Street, Sydney Olympic Park
When:     16, 17, 18 April 2019; 10am-3pm 
Cost:       $330

Kids in the Park Film Festival (6-10yrs)
KIPFF is presenting a series of award winning international short films made by children and films made by adults for children.
Where:    Armory Theatre, building 22, Newington Armory, Sydney Olympic Park
When:     Monday 22 April 2019; 11am-12pm 
Cost:       $5 Kids; $10 Adults

For more information, visit the website.

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  • Sat Apr 13 - Sun Apr 28 2019
  • Kids
  • From: $0.00
