Cupid’s Koi Garden at Darling Harbour

Get outdoors in the city this summer, and enjoy a true kaleidoscope of colour at Darling Harbour's Tumbalong Park during the 2023 iteration of the much-loved Sydney Festival.

Cupid's Koi Garden at Darling Harbour

A magical marine world awaits in Cupid’s Koi Gardena six-metre-tall immersive water-play installation splashing summer fun on all who visit!

Within the world’s first inflatable fountain, this incredible public art display serenades passersby with submerged sounds and spritzes from Cupid, and his 10 friendly koi fish squirting choreographed water jets.

The brightly-coloured fish and terrazzo ponds come to life under the watchful gaze of Cupid’s motion-tracking LED eyes. At night, a wonderland of light and colour bathes viewers in a kaleidoscopic glow.

This magical world is a free, family-friendly and multi-sensory playground of gushing bubblers and trickling soundtracks—bringing both calm and playfulness to the city this summer.

Where:   Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour
When:    5--29 January 2023 |10 am-10 pm daily
Cost:     FREE

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  • Thu Jan 05 - Sun Jan 29 2023
  • Family
    All Ages
  • FREE
