Freestyle Kings are coming to Sydney

Get ready for an epic show that's sure to leave you breathless! The Freestyle Kings are a world-renowned team based right here in Sydney, and they're all about originality, quality, and professionalism. If you're looking for an unforgettable all-ages experience, you won't want to miss their Freestyle Motocross shows and motorcycle events.

The Freestyle Kings are experts in their field, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure, production, and choreography to ensure that their performances are truly amazing. And the best part? They're touring! That's right, the Freestyle Kings are bringing their incredible show to Quados Bank Area next week on March 18, 2023.

This two-hour spectacular is perfect for families, adrenaline junkies, and anyone who loves an incredible show. You'll be blown away by their skills, their tricks, and their dedication to pushing the limits of what's possible on a motorcycle.

For more information and to book this world class, action-packed event, visit The Freestyle Kings.


Where:    Sydney – Qudos Bank Arena
When:     Saturday 18th March 2023, 6.45pm-8.45pm
Cost:       From $40.74

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  • Sat Mar 18 2023
  • All Ages
  • From: $40.00
