Learn Mandarin This Spring School Holidays

Woud you like your kids to learn another language these holidays? As a language spoken by 1.2 billion people, being able to speak Mandarin is an invaluable skill in today's multicultural world. 

The Australian Mandarin Education Academy (AMEA) can help your child master the language by encouraging children to use Mandarin to solve problems, communicate with others and have fun.

Their immersive school holiday program delivers fast results because children put the language into practice right from the start. Plus, they enjoy it more when they learn through play! 

During all class activities, the teachers speak Mandarin to the children 90% of the time, and your children will be immersed in a wide range of activities including movement classes, craft activities, story and character recognition, writing, sentence making and much more. 

Where:     488 Botany Rd, Alexandria
When:      28th Sep - 1st Oct.2020 and 5th - 8th Oct.2020
Time:        Option A: 9am - 12pm, Option B: 9am-3pm, Option C: 3pm-5pm  
Cost:        2 days or more enrolment: Option A: $69, Option B: $120, Option C: $30. Casual: Option A: $89, Option B: $150, Option C: $40*

For more information, visit the website, Facebook @ ameasydney (massage), Wechat ID: AMEA_SYD

Places are limited so enrol today so you don't miss out! 

Any combination of classes can be booked. 

Tell them ellaslist sent you!

  • Mon Sep 28 - Thu Oct 08 2020
  • Preschoolers
  • $0.00
