Secrets of the CBD - Interactive Sydney Scavenger Hunt

If you're a family of problem solvers, this one's for you!

In an alternative historic tour of Sydney, solve riddles as you discover everything from the site of an aboriginal ritual contest ground to the birthplace of a coup d’etat that overthrew colonial rule for almost 2 years, from a lucky boar of ancient origin to a bell-tower that caused 5 years of controversy.

Secrets of the CBD will take you on a puzzle-filled journey around the city’s highlights and best-kept secrets, all while giving you the chance to sample some of its finest pubs, cafes and bakeries. Suitable for both locals and visitors, this trail is the perfect way to explore Australia’s Emerald City.

Where:      Start at St Andrew's Cathedral 
When:       Daily, begin at your own pace
Cost:         $25 per person

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  • Fri Sep 30 - Sat Dec 31 2022
  • Teens
  • $25 per person
