The Ugliest Duckling at The Joan

Featuring circus, movement, colour and a heartwarming tale, Q Theatre presents The Ugliest Duckling, this winter school holidays from Thursday 11 – Saturday 13 July, 2019.

The Ugliest Duckling tells the story of a homely little bird born into a family of ducks. He suffers abuse from the others around him because of his different looks until, much to his delight, he matures into a beautiful swan.

Combining circus, dance, music and physical theatre; there are many things parents and children can expect from The Ugliest Duckling.

Finding their way through the world, starting from Spring and ending in Winter, three little ducklings will learn how to swim, fly and make friends, taking inspiration from common milestones that young people experience and drawing on those important moments in a young person’s life.

A story that resonates strongly with humankind, embracing resilience, empathy, joy and equality The Ugliest Duckling explores values that move across the boundaries of age.

Where:      Q Theatre
When:       Thursday 11 July – 6pm, Friday 12 July – 10am & 12pm
                  Saturday 13 July – 10am & 12pm
Cost:         From $20  

Duration: 45 minutes

For more information, or to book tickets, visit their website.

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  • Thu Jul 11 - Sat Jul 13 2019
  • Kids
  • From: $20.00
