Yoganic: Roll & Release (Myofascial Release) Workshop for Parents

Are you finding the demands of parenthood tough on your body? Have you ever wondered why your body seems to feel tight or sore in the same areas? Do you suffer from chronic tension in your neck & shoulders, chest or lower back pain and can't seem to find a solution and it's affecting your ability to sleep?

In this workshop Yoganic address the postures we adopt in motherhood - feeding, nursing, settling, carrying, pushing prams..... Postures that can leave us chronically tight and restrict our movement. We will address these areas through the use of myofascial release techniques and alleviate tight and sore areas using tolls such as the  foam roller and balls. These release techniques are designed to improve your range of motion and overall mobility in targeted areas. You will learn how to use these techniques at home and how to incorporate this into your daily routine and the benefits on your physical and mental wellbeing.

Suitable for mums and dads of new babies through to toddlers, this workshop is suitable for all types of bodies and fitness levels.

Where:    551 Willoughby Rd, Willoughby
When:     16 December 2019, 2pm - 4pm
Cost:       $55

Book Now!

For more information, visit the website.

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  • Sun Dec 16 2018
  • Parents Only
  • $55.00
